Monster High, Monster High! Where student bodies lie...
In the fictional American town of New Salem, the teenage children of famous monsters (and other mythical creatures) attend a high school called Monster High! YRU has teamed up with Monster High to bring you these incredible and iconic shoes that will be sure to make you the coolest ghoul in school!
- Black vegan leather with YRU's iconic Y detailing in Hot Pink and Blue
- Embroidered Monster High crest on tongue
- Blue tricot lining
- Argyle printed vegan leather and Black rubber outsole
- Pink embroidered Skullette detail
Size: 3 inch platform, 4 inch heel
US | EU | UK | CM |
6 | 36-37 | 4 | 22.5 |
7 | 37-38 | 5 | 23.5 |
8 | 38-39 | 6 | 24.1 |
9 | 39-40 | 7 | 25.1 |
10 | 40-41 | 8 | 25.9 |
11 | 41-42 | 9 | 26.7 |
12 | 42-43 | 10 | 27.6 |